Know your clients better with TrustForm

Optimise customer due diligence and breeze through compliance checklists
About TrustForm

We build online trust

We help companies verify and onboard new customers, streamline KYC/AML processes, and carry out compliance checks with ease.
A single view of everything

A golden source of truth about your clients
  • Build a deep understanding of your customers
  • Speed up client onboarding
  • Manage cases and all of team's responsibilities
  • Keep track of tasks and timelines
  • Build a deep understanding of corporate clients and complex ownership structures
  • Generate reports for audits and regulatory purposes
Complete client relations and compliance lifecycle management

We bring customer knowledge and compliance reviews into a single platform for a unified view and a full understanding of your clients.

TrustForm helps companies organise, manage, verify, and store securely their most important data: their clients' information.

The full power of our platform

A KYC/KYB/AML solution purpose-built for compliance and account management teams and for managing complex client cases
Client onboarding and compliance review
Biometric / eIDV and address verification
Complex ownership structures review and visualisation, to gain the full view of client's UBOs
AML screening and monitoring against global and regional sanctions and watchlists, PEPs lists, and adverse media
Data export and integrations with back office and other systems
Fully auditable “Time Machine” functionality to help address audit and regulatory requirements
Alerts and notifications
Data privacy and user access management
Full customisation of forms and workflows
Case management and RFI processing (coming soon)
Compliance made simple

Why TrustForm

Understand your customer profile and their activity, organise all information in one place, and make compliance simpler, faster, and cheaper.

Expand your customer base while reducing risk

Build a single source of truth for your customers from a compliance & risk perspective and optimise Customer Due Diligence (CDD) with proactive triggers based on customer data.

  • Keep everything in sight and within easy reach: activity alerts and logs, periodic reviews, alerts and updates – TrustForm stores and organises it all.
  • Easily detect potential matches against sanctions lists, PEPs, and other watchlist.

Reduce time-per-case by 75-80%

Speed up review and onboarding, optimise and scale your operations, and stay on top of activity – all while elevating customer experience and keeping costs low.

  • Automate manual, repetitive tasks to free your team up to focus their attention where it’s needed most.
  • Elevate customer journey with effective onboarding and ongoing KYC reviews.

Gain complete visibility

Get an accurate view of your customer with a 360-degree profile. De-risk your business with continuous monitoring.

  • Calculate risk from multiple dimensions such as demographics, geography, and screening.
  • Leverage event-driven ongoing due diligence for more current and accurate customer review.

Integrate existing data and systems

Connect seamlessly to your existing KYC sources, CRM systems, transaction monitoring solutions, and other systems and databases

  • Customised to your requirements: TrustForm is a flexible solution to fit all your business and regulatory needs.
  • Adopt integrations with back office and other systems, from risk assessment to transaction monitoring, and more.

Coming soon

Data sharing and partner referrals

Do you want to make a real difference in your client's life and business? We are launching a data sharing solution to help manage referrals between your organisation and your and your clients' partners and service providers, to service your end clients better and enable collaborative compliance overview.

Get in touch to access demo and learn how TrustForm can help your teams manage KYC and AML tasks and transform compliance burden into compliance excellence.